About us

Welcome to our ICA University, known also as International Christian Arbitrators University or www.icauniversity.us, a beacon of innovation and excellence in education as incorporated in the State of Oregon, USA through its parental Non-profit entity and then in the State of New York as a concept for Law Eunoia Service LLC, aiming Christian ARD Legal Service and Training, declaring and keeping the Bible as the Rule of Law for all of its Practice as a Christian Mediator, Christian Conciliator or Christian Arbitrator for people all over the world, who would sign an Agreement, having a specific Clause for the purpose. This ICA University has been founded on the Christian Laws prevailing worldwide for the service of humankind. The very domain name, "www.icauniversity.us" was copyright registered by the Government of India in 2013, though it pertains to the United States of America. ICA University is an unconventional, nontraditional, revolutionary-ideas interwoven, biblically rooted, legally formed, tuition-fee-free, a Unit of religiously Chartered Ministry by an NPO, incorporated on Christian ethos in Oregon, USA, approved and a uniquely formed World-First Virtual University for biblically commissioned global education as an outcome of the imbibed thought from the Bible like “..Your education is your life..” -Prov.4:13 GNB. and "Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts." Prov.4:23 GNB. Our educational style stems out as commissioned in the Bible. 

As a premier virtual university, we take immense pride in our unwavering commitment to providing a transformative educational experience. The concept of education is rooted in the Proverbs of the Bible 4:13, "Always remember what you have learnt. Your education is your life — guard it well. Do not go where evil people go. Do not follow the example of the wicked" and this Concept is explained in two books, which are the basis for the spread of education. They are: Thirukkural English Couplet and Bible Medicine Couplet along with the UDHR, 1948, which was proudly translated by the Founder / Author of ICA University on behalf of the ICA University on 23.12.2020, being approved and is available on the United Nations website. You are welcome to go the site to learn more about human rights in Tamil, the most applauded language. Human Rights Data-base of the United Nations 


This is not like any traditional Institution. It is an educational revolution if the term is not connotated negatively. It reached life orientation to live to keep peace and solve when a dispute arises. Founded by a consortium of distinguished academic visionaries on the vision of the Chief Visionary, Dr R J A Stephen Loie, our university boasts a rich heritage of intellectual prowess. We bring together the brightest minds from esteemed institutions, forging a foundation built on the dedication to nurturing leaders ready to shape the future by way of implanting peace studies. Our passion for innovation, commitment to academic excellence, and a drive for positive global impact underpins every facet of our institution. We teach, train and practise only the Peace-related subjects,, especially Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems /Mechanisms through Law Eunoia Service LLC. duly incorporated in New York, USA.

Operation of ICA University

The Operation Agreement of the Law Eunoia Service LLC clearly indicates that it is operated by this parental organization called ICA University. ICA University is a division of the Charter No. C.TN.03-18 May 2003 of a Non-profit Organization incorporated in the State of Oregon, USA, based on Christian ethos and ethics on 22.01.1979. It is established based on the Bible and Christian Laws therefor throughout. Bible Medicine Couplet is the operation law for ICA University. It has been established as a Virtual University to educate and recognize people from all walks of life remembering them beyond any discrimination, pursuant to the Canon Law in Acts 10:28 and the  Kural Couplet in Thirukkural 974. It offers Peace Education based on Thirukkural English Couplet without any charges for any material freely available on the internet sans any restriction whatsoever for learning except the strict restriction copyright claims, refusing any party of any material to be used in any form as it is not for business or commerce. as urged in Proverbs 23:23 of the Canon Law that binds it, being built based on Canon Law of the Bible, starting with James 1: 25, speaking on 'law of liberty', James 1:26 speaking on 'religious personality as someone bridling his tongue, and defining the Pure Religion beyond literal sense, as an Institution to educate the 'fatherless' ( those without education).


ICA University is associated with the "Thirukkural English Couplet Eunoia Foundation", Educational & Charitable Trust and its activities to support them. Law Eunoia Services & Teach Eunoia Services are the two very important units working through.

Registration, Recognition / Accession

International Christian Arbitrators University is accessioned to and accredited by the United Organization International Human Rights Commission. It is accredited with a Gold Membership Global Standardization and Accreditation Council, USA., though it is not a regular, traditional American University, regulated, and accredited by the US Government. It is a division of the Charter of a Non-profit Organization incorporated in the State of Oregon, USA.

As an Institutional Member of the UN's Global Compact Network(India), ICA University stood to educate many on the 17 aspects of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Proudly ICA University stands as one of the United Nations UDHR ( Universal Declaration of Human Rights) document translators. ICA University is registered with the RoC, Department of Higher Education, MHRD, Government of India. Its Domain- www.icauniversity.us itself is copyright-registered both in India and the United States of America, having its domain registration been over. It is a Virtual University, not to be treated equally with any of the other traditionally accredited Universities in India or the USA for awarding degrees, nor is it to be treated as any other normal non-profit organization/s functioning as a University in the USA or sometimes in India but is specially purposed, duly incorporated Virtual University with free educational contents without any cost whatsoever and registered with the Government of India, may the details be seen with a single click HERE.

"www.icauniversity.us" has obtained S.R. No. 1-13279906601 from the Government of the United States of America pursuant to 37 CFR: § 202.3, which is the concept for Law Eunoia Service LLC, duly incorporated with the State of New York, USA. Apart from studies conducted by the Law Eunoia Service / Law Eunoia Service LLC, which is established as a legal Firm for the practice of ARDS in India or in the USA or anywhere as per law and pursuant to the agreement of the parties, for training for ADRS practice using holistic methods and for any other legal Assessment work all study materials herein are free of cost, available to all on the internet with conditions of copyright restrictions. This www.icauniversity.us is to lead the people towards truth through education as education is our life as the Bible states in Proverbs 4:13 GNB. This iCA University offers one unique award exclusive to its usage called Doctor of Cosmic Law, abbreviated CLD., maybe, Doctor of Christian Law for name change if the Bible Medicine concept is specifically concentrated . For details click HERE. This Doctorate is also a fully copyright-registered ideological title. For details click HERE. ICA University is independent and autocephalous in its nature and function. It is open to all irrespective of any human-made considerations such as gender, colour, religion, state, citizenship, race, sect, class or educational level. Its Charteres are also there, It functions as a Charity adhering to Rules, Regulations and laws of the Governments if it functions anywhere in the globe. ICA University is a Certified Member of the Association of Independent Christian Colleges and Seminaries, USA.

Innovative, Transformational Education

Thirukkural English Couplet

Thirukkural was translated into English as it is in Tamil language with 4+3 Words. That is to say that a replica translation has been made in the name of "Thirukkural English Couplet" by Dr.R.J.A.Stephen Loie. It took 12 years to complete. It was published by Palaniappa Brothers, Chennai and released on 27.10.2018 in a grand function. It obtained ISBN: 9789388139601. It is completely copyright-registered L-133156/2023. Thirukkural itself is a University with different subjects aptly put in 7x1330 words, certifying human beings as Worthy lives. 

Bible Medicine Couplet

Recognizing the rapidly evolving world, we have crafted a transformative concept & curriculum that empowers students with the skills, knowledge, and perspective required to thrive in the ever-changing global landscape as a skilled ADR Professional / Practitioner. We have drafted our concept through Bible Medicine Couplet which consists of 23 Chapters and 3 more addendums. Our Trademark for Law Eunoia Service / LLC, India /New York is logo embedded www.icauniversity.us, which was copyrighted in 2013 in India, the USA in 2023 and again edited and copyrighted in India as the First Edition republished in 2023. Our approach involves integrating interdisciplinary studies and harnessing the power of advanced technology, resulting in immersive learning experiences that inspire critical thinking, collaboration, and effective problem-solving. "Master Diploma In ICA University's International Alternative Dispute Resolution" is a skillfully designed Course by Law Eunoia Service LLC, New York. Click Here for details To avoid any duplication we use our logo in all of our Service Brochures and documents. This is important as far as the Law Eunoia Service LLC, New York is concerned, which functions through ICA University/ International Christian Arbitrators University/ www.icauniversity.us and therefore it was also copyrighted in the USA as 'Law Eunoia Service ' Concept Online-vide SR No. 1-13264486291.

The Berne Convention.

As per the above Convention and other International Agreements, no one internationally is allowed to copy any of the materials here whether Copyright registered or not. If this is violated the violator may be liable for 10 million USD and this applies to anyone who copies to criticise the content without any reason or clarification from our side.

Cosmic Law, Vision and Mission of the University

Cosmic Law is the Natural law that the Universe is based or founded on for its survival. This applies to the world, humans as well, being  part of this Universe. Physical Laws such as Law of Gravitation, Men-made State Laws, Laws pertaining to action and reaction are also working under Cosmic force or law as created or designed  by God.The Vision of this University is to spread the Truth and Peace to the world through Thirukkural and the mission  is  identifying men/women who have been Ambassadors for performing Cosmic Law and honoring them with Honoris Causa Doctorate irrespective of their being or situation into which they are or live respectively. It has not independently identified anyone since 2013. The Objectives are hereunder given in detail.

The motto of the University, Declaration of Copyright and Disclaimer 

As seen in the Logo of the University, the Motto is "Towards Education to the world through Thirukkural. The 4+3 Word Thirukkural English Couplet translated exactly as the Thirukkural itself using both Kural-Venba grammar and Couplet grammar definition targets the goal. The " Thirukkural English Video Couplet for ICA University" & " Thirukkural English Video Couplet for ICA University" & " Thirukkural Tamil Video Couplet for ICA University"  are both English and Tamil Voiced Interpretation of 1330 Thirukkurals. All works are copyrighted. No part is permitted to be used without written permission by the Author Dr.Stephen Louie. Also the Author or the University is not responsible for any damages. Nor do we accept any liability out of anyone's attempt to get benefit either from the University or from the Translated book or Voiced Kural Interpretations aiming something good for the society in good faith. 

How does it serve the purpose?

It has been established as a Virtual University to recognize people from all walks of life. Thirukkural speaks of  "எச்சம்" which is translated "Title"in the above Kural, as something of importance lest people be set at naught. This exactly resembles 1 Tim.3:13. This University serves the purpose in this regard too. ICA University is dedicated to promoting 1330 Eunoia works based on the Kurals. All 133 Chapters are divided under 16 Headings by Dr. R.J.A. Stephen Loie with a view to spreading the essence of the Kurals to recognize the Executors of Kural ideals. Barring the said translated book Dr.Stephen Loie has voiced out all 1330 Kurals with his interpretations as per his translations, which are the only subjects or basis of any other subject that one can learn in this University., apart from the Peace Concepts of the Bible especially embedded in Bible Medicine.  

Our Belief

It is firmly believed that whatever monetary requirement for running this ICA University is met out, based on what we intend to do irrespective of any expectation from anyone but believing the Design of God working under Cosmic Law. We believe that we should not slander anyone as per the canon Law in Titus 3;2, even secretly as the Canon Law urges in Ecclesiastes 10:20  and we try to maintain peace with all obliging our faith in Canon Law in Hebrews 12:14

Work with us

Embark on your academic journey with ICAU University, and you'll become part of a community comprising ambitious, creative, and compassionate individuals united in their pursuit of knowledge and positive change. Explore our programs and discover how ICAU can empower you to realize your full potential, shaping the future in ways you never thought possible.

Profile of the Founding President